As Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, Jesus said, "I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." And Pilate responded with the question that is still being waged today, "What is truth?"
For a child the answer is very simple, truth is true and anything that is not true is false or a lie, this over-simplistic approach is shown in the classic tale of Pinocchio, every time Pinocchio would tell a lie his nose would grow. But somewhere along the way as children age and become men and women the truth becomes complicated, even today as in Pilate's time you have governmental leaders who question truth.
When this great nation was formed our leaders knew what truth is, in fact they put it in our Founding Birth Document, "The Declaration of Independence." Our Truths our self-evident not relative, our founders stated.
"Consider the famous words of the Declaration of Independence: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident": "Truths"--not "opinions," not "premises," not "assumptions," not "collective myths," not "accepted rules of procedure," not "value-judgments," not "working hypotheses"--but "truths." And what made them truths was that they accorded with what the Declaration calls the "laws of nature and of nature's God.' To the Founders, these God-given truths--that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights"--are no more open to discussion or debate than the laws of gravity. They are simply there, part of the created order. And because they are divinely sanctioned, it followed that even if a wicked and depraved majority tried to subvert them in the name of "democracy," the moral minority would be obliged to resist the majority's wishes in the name of moral truth." Honorable Richard Santorum quoted from The Necessity of Truth August 6, 1999.
In the view of our country's Founding Fathers and our greatest moral teachers, religion--and the truths to which religion points us--is essential to the success of the American experiment. The Founders believed that God is the source of truth--and that it is through religion that the light of self-evident truth will guide Americans in their lives, order their national affairs, and protect their liberty. If we are to resolve the problems that currently threaten to overwhelm us, I am convinced that we first must recover the self-evident truths of our youth and restore this Republic that was birthed from Truth, because truth is not relative, but self-evident.
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