WE'RE #1 WE'RE #1 WE'RE #1
President Barack Hussein Obama has boarded AIr Force One, in bound for London and the G20 Economic Summit. He has left an Auto Industry reeling in the aftermath of an Obama Teleprompted rescue package and heads across the pond with all the form and look of the world's only superpower: Heavy Duty Jet, Marine One helicopter, an entourage of 500 including 200 Secret Service agents, a medical team of six, White House cooks, and a bullet-proof limo Cadillac known as the Beast.
This is what is referred to as style over substance, or my good buddy from Texas would say, "BIG HAT, NO CATTLE." If we honestly looked at the United States of America and our President and the power and prestige that Obama has left untarnished in his short time as President, the perspective of other G20 leaders would be, "Yea, Mr. Obama, you look good and cool with all your entourage, but where is the substance to back that BIG HAT you are wearing."
The signs are everywhere if we just opened our eyes, our President is way over his head and nations like China and Russia are ready to thrust their muscle. This will be Obama's first time to meet, two of the world's most powerful leaders: Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev and China's Premier Hu Jintao at a time when US power is being tested around the world. These two leaders want to become #1 and unseat the United States. Eventually, what does it take to be a Super Power. I like to keep things simple, in teaching American History Classes, I taught my students a Super Power needs three things, I called the 3M's: MONEY, MILITARY, & MODERN MARVELS (Technology). Just as Great Britain obtained Super Power status when the British Navy defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588 with smaller, faster ships that carried more firepower, today China is investing Billions in new weapon systems. In fact the U.S. Naval Institute is reporting that China has developed a special "Kill Weapon" to destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers. China is on the verge of becoming #1 because it controls production and massive amounts of money, not to mention USA's biggest creditor, secondly, China's Military has increased its power through out the 90's and 2000's, and lastly, China is developing modern marvels or technology like the "Kill Weapon" to insure and advance its Super Power status. Compare this with President Obama's plan, to cut spending on Military and Military weapons system development and production, to increase spending and the U.S. debt, and to destroy all US manufacturing and production via Nationalization.
So I ask you, who has the CATTLE or Substance to back-up the BIG HAT, is it USA or China? President Obama and the USA, has no money, the military is being depleted by Obama, and our technology is being destroyed by government interference with the economy. It is a matter a time before the USA will have to change its motto from WE'RE #1 to "WE TRY HARDER."
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