The saying goes there are two sides to every story or in other words, there are always two ways at looking at the glass, is it half-empty or half-full. So it is, the day after Christmas 2008 a funny thing happens crowded malls. I have never understood the fact that all the shopping centers are packed the day after Christmas.
What is this phenomenon, where after a day of indulgence in food, gifts, and merriment is followed by more shopping? Is it, I did not get what I wanted, so I deserve to buy it now syndrome? Or my Christmas did not satisfy that emptiness, so I will buy more? Whatever it is, the answer is not buying more, unless you are being financially wise and buying gifts for next Christmas, like some do, but I believe the majority or trying to resolve the issues that haunt everyone after Christmas, What is next? What else can I do to bring happiness to my life? During 2008 Christmas, we as a people are bombarded with messages from all avenues of life, Church, friends, family, television, etc. etc. However, two different world leaders issued there messages for Christmas 2008. One came from a symbolic leader of a once great empire, The Queen of the British Commonwealth, and the second came from a despised leader of a rogue nation, Ahmadinejad. Both have different takes on the World's woes, but both have an element of truth. The element of truth is what the invisible hand seeks to raise.
The pertinent part of the Queen's Christmas 2008 message centers around a question she so eloquently asks,"Where it is we can find lasting happiness?"
"In such time as these--we can all learn from lessons from the past. We might begin to see things in a new perspective. Certainly we begin to ask ourselves, where it is we can find lasting happiness?" The Queen answers, that question by her observations of happy people, they are the ones who live with purpose and an unselfish life, by service to others, by service to their nation. To View the Queen's 2008 Christmas Message Click Here.
The Queen raises a great question that many in this world are seeking the answer to, however the Queen's answer is not spot on, it falls short. Before I discuss why the Queen's answer is incomplete, lets look at Ahmadinejad's Christmas message.
Ahmadinejad's message talked about the wold's woes, and in contrast to the Queen's was more negative and derogatory toward the USA and the UK, but I believe had an element of truth. Ahmadinejad stated that the world's troubles are rooted in the "REJECTION OF GOD." He continued, "the crisis in society, the family, morality, politics, security and the economy . . . have come about because the prophets have been forgotten, the Almighty has been forgotten and some leaders are estranged from God." Read Full Story.
Now do not get me wrong, Ahmadinejad has alternative motives, he is a terrorist and a hater of Israel and the USA, but there is some truth in his statement, we the people have rejected God and his blessing upon our nation. This is where the invisible hand can tie the two stories together, lets make the glass full.
For a nation to "Secure the blessings of Liberty," for a market to run pure and free under the invisible hand, for a people to find lasting happiness, that nation, that market, that people, and that individual must realize God made all things, and God made every single individual person for a divine purpose. Lasting happiness only comes when you serve God, because God loves us, and not only that He demonstrated that love to us, by sending His only begotten son Jesus Christ to live a sinless life and to die as a sacrifice for our sins, and the rest of the story . . . Jesus overcame death and lives again, so that, all persons may find lasting happiness in Jesus.
George Washington in his farewell address warned us not to reject God and His morality, for it is by the morals of God we are free. Our Nation is suffering, because we the people have rejected God's morality, our free market economy is failing, because we the people have rejected God's morality, we the people are unfulfilled and unhappy, because we have rejected the morality of God. There are 364 days until Christmas 2009, as the Queen stated, "in such a time as these" you must choose will I serve God by becoming a follower of Jesus Christ or will I serve myself. As a Nation and as a people and as an individual, You must decide. "Follow Jesus and He will give you life, life more abundantly.
-Lex Rex
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