Rev. Rick Warren has been picked by Barack Obama to give the invocation at the swearing in ceremony on January 20, 2009. At exactly 12:00 noon eastern standard time, the Chief Justice John Roberts will preside over Barack Hussein Obama's Oath of Office, making Barack Hussein Obama the 44th President of these United States.
[in-vuh-key-shuhn] –noun1. the act of invoking or calling upon a deity, spirit, etc., for aid, protection, inspiration, or the like; supplication. |
2. any petitioning or supplication for help or aid. |
3. a form of prayer invoking God's presence, esp. one said at the beginning of a religious service or public ceremony. I like number three, that is what an invocation is, prayer invoking God's presence. I thought it was interesting to note that in some way or another the Reverend Billy Graham or his son, Franklin has been a part of the Presidential Inauguration since 1953, except for 2005 and now with the emerging Billy Graham of this generation Dr. Rick Warren, oh how I digress. Moving forward to the second part, style and substance. To accomplish a style and substance that is for this generation, the instant generation, the generation of instant messaging, cell phones, texting, Blackberry, ipod, iphones, etc. etc. etc., you get my point, the prayers of Billy Graham are like hymns to this generation of CHANGE. What you need is hip, refreshing, and meaningful prayer. By this, I do not mean, lets throw away the prayers that came before us, no, no, no, because in each generation there are prayers that reach across generational lines, that are powerful, that are meaningful, that are hip, and they all come from the depths of the heart. Dr. & Rev. Rick Warren, here is your key, pray from the depths of your heart and in the words of Aretha Franklin "Say a little prayer," keep it short. Dr. & Rev. Rick Warren here are examples of prayers that came from the depths of the heart, from ordinary, everyday men of God. I have purposefully left out the One, who taught us how to pray,but the ones you will examine invoke his lesson of crying out to God from the heart. JABEZ: A Humble Man of God, found in I Chronicles 4:10 "And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested." KING HEZEKIAH: A Great King who relied on God's Strength, found in II Kings 19:15-19 Hezekiah then went into the house of the LORD and prayed.
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