In 75 days President Elect Barack Obama will be sworn in on January 20, 2009 at 12:00 noon, already there is a sense in the world that all is well and change is in the air, in fact for the past two days the Dow Jones Industrials have lost nearly 9% in market value since Barack Obama has been elected to lead our country. Last night I was explaining to my children that McCain/Palin received over 56.5 million votes and if you count real estate McCain/Palin won more real estate than Barack Obama, so does that make us & RED STATES the biggest loser? Well not exactly because there are winners and losers in every election and it is not always a zero sum game, so I wanted to use this piece and explain my views on the TOP FIVE WINNERS & LOSERS OF 2008 ELECTION.
It is always amazing how our founders established for the election and transfer of power of the Executive Branch, in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. For over 219 years the U.S. Constitution has served us well in the peaceful transfer of power from one Executive administration to the other. It reminds me of the story of the Russian immigrant who watched the 1980 election were Ronald Reagan via a true landslide defeated Carter. The Russian immigrant after watching Carter being defeated asked, " Now will President Reagan go and have his police force kill the ex-president?" No, no, no . . . but this is the case in many foreign powers even to this day, so yes the Big winner was the U.S. Constitution that our Founders so thoughtfully provided for a peaceful transition and power and allowed Mr. Barack Obama the opportunity to be our 44th President.
Yesterday Glenn Thrush a reporter for Politico wrote an article titled "The Biggest Loser" in that he stated that Ronald Reagan was a LOSER in this election. President Ronald Reagan never lost a presidential election, in fact he wrote the play book on how to run a modern day campaign. Ronald Reagan in 1980 had 489 electoral votes and carried 44 states, in 1984 he had 525 electoral votes and carried 49 states, LANDSLIDES that Mr. Obama can only dream about. Ronald Reagan is the real winner of this campaign for these two reasons, first, Mr. Obama used the Reagan platform of CUTTING-Taxes. Mr. Obama campaigned on the promise that 95% of American's taxes would be CUT. Whether you believe his promise the exit polls relayed an interesting fact 64% of the American electorate who voted for Mr. Obama believe their taxes are going to be cut under Obama's plan. Secondly, Mr. Obama used a Reaganesque charm to connect with people, he offered Hope & Change, that was Reagan's campaign in 1980, I love this video of President Reagan in his best form:
Now do not get me wrong OBAMA is NOT RONALD REAGAN, but I believe that Mr. Obama was helped via his Reaganesque type of charm and message of Hope & Change.
Two winners and two Political future stars are Sarah Palin & Joe Wurzelbacher
. Sarah Palin is a rising conservative star, who would bring excitement if she runs in 2012. Joe the Plumber will be taxed more under Obama's plan, he is negotiating a book deal and could be a future representative in the House of Representatives.
4. Conservative Talk Radio & Conservative Movement
The next four years is going to be big for Talk Radio, I do not even want to get into the "Fairness Doctrine", because I believe in the First Amendment and I know that Mike Church, Andrew Wilkow, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin all of Sirius 144 the Patriot Station will lead the way. Mr. Obama will give them more material than exceeds three hours in their talk-time on each week-day. Yes, Rush Limbaugh the creator of the medium will increase his listener ship.
The Conservative Movement is still alive and is not a loser, we just need to connect with the younger generation, with education, history and artful commentary as Representative Thaddeus McCotter lays out Five Conservative Principles in the Language of todays culture that the Republican Party can stand upon in "NOW SEIZE FREEDOM:"
1. Our liberty is from God not the government.
2. Our sovereignty rests in our souls not the soil.
3. Our security is through strength not surrender.
4. Our prosperity is from the private sector not the public sector.
5. Our truths are self-evident not relative.
5 Gwen Ifill
The moderator of the VP debates is bound to make a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, when her book, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" debuts on January 20, 2009 inauguration day.

How can the U.S. Constitution be a winner and a loser? Easy, the answer is President Obama. Mr. Obama has a distrust for the founding document. Mr. Obama does not like the fact that it is primarily list of DONT'S what the government cannot do. Mr. Obama wants to address the issue of what the government can do for you by expanding the meaning of the U.S. Constitution.
Mr. Obama won the 2008 Presidential election, how is he a loser by his winning the election? The reason is simple, Mr. Obama has no real change, his change is style over substance, government over the will of the people, & Public control over private control. Mr. Obama will inherit a mess and Mr. Obama ideas and socialistic solution of governmental solutions will only compound the problems.
The Republican party has lost its way, the reason being is that the party has failed to stand firm on conservative principles. The most unpopular president in our modern day with approval ratings in the twenty percentile, President George W. Bush. has imploded this party by virtue of his expansion of the role of the executive power and the expansion of government. You top that off with the $700 billion or is it $805 billion bailout package, no wonder McCain/Palin lost, but what is so surprising is that it was close not a land side like the media wants you to believe.
The Republican party will come back, but only if it adheres to certain principles, it MUST NOT re-brand itself, that is like putting a new wrapper on the same candy. Representative Thaddeus McCotter lays out Five Conservative Principles in the Language of todays culture that the Republican Party can stand upon in "NOW SEIZE FREEDOM:"
1. Our liberty is from God not the government.
2. Our sovereignty rests in our souls not the soil.
3. Our security is through strength not surrender.
4. Our prosperity is from the private sector not the public sector.
5. Our truths are self-evident not relative.
Representative Thaddeus McCotter, further state,"What are the Republican Party's goals? We will advance liberty, preserve tradition, and achieve constructive change for Americans in this trying time.""
"This we will do!"
You know who you are, and yes Missouri you non-bellwether you are a red state, I do not care if CNN has not called you yet, but you are red. I am afraid Mr. Obama may do to the red states what he did to reporters from the News Papers that endorsed McCain/Palin, Mr. Obama kicked the reporters off his plane. "Obama Kicks Reporters Off His Plane." Is this typical of those that go against President Obama, we will have to wait and see, Mr. Obama may not kick the Red States off Air Force One, but he may kick the Red States off the $gravy train.$
5. The AMERICAN PEOPLE: 56.5 Million:
56.5 million people voted for McCain/Palin they will not be the only ones that lose. If Mr. Obama goes hard left, all of the population of these United States would find themselves on the short end of the stick.
-Lex Rex
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