obambie: (o bam-bee)
1. a person under the control of Barack Hussein Obama whose behavior and responses are listless, wooden, without freedom of thought are used to suppress liberty and to expand Obama's agenda of control by the government in every aspect of our lives.
2. AUTOMATON; One who looks and behaves like an automaton, totally lacking in independent judgment, with the understanding and allegiance Obama can do no wrong.
Obama's Amateur Hour continues today in California, however yesterday President Obama spoke in contradictory terms in front of a slew of OBAMBIES. Two things are very interesting about the speech yesterday 03/18/2009 in California, the most absurd is the fact that Obama, stated "I'll take responsibility (AIG BONUSES), I'm the President." After Obama stated the fact that you can BLAME Obama for the AIG mess, THE OBAMBIES CHEERED & CHEERED their leader. But that is not the only amazing thing, the other amazing thing is OBAMA'S "BUT."
Obama did not really mean to take responsibility, or to take the blame, because he followed that message with:
"But we didn't draft these contracts."
"It is my job to fix these messes . . . even if I do not make them."
This is like the , I'm sorry, but . . . apology that puts the blame on someone else, and Obama does the same thing, I am responsible, but I am clearly not responsible. The scary thing is that the OBAMBIES eat it up, what we need is an OBAMBIE cure, maybe it is too late and there is no cure, only time will tell.
-Lex Rex
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