Santa Monica Pier Santa Monica, California
Today my family and I arrived to the western end of Old Route 66 the Santa Monica Pier and the Will Rogers Plaque. As we should all practice it is not about the destination, but the journey. Just as Will Rogers showed us, his life was one journey after another and so our lives should be lived in the moment enjoying and learning from the journey.
Our Route 66 journey started from Springfield, Missouri and today began at the first McDonalds, which is located in San Bernadino, California on "E" street which at one point was Route 66.
One thing Route 66 taught me is that Route 66 carved a deep imprint into America's culture that extends pass the pavement of the hiway. Route 66 gave us Commerce, Oklahoma and Mickey Mantle, Will Rogers, McDonalds, marketing ( Free 72oz Steak, Burma Shave), and many more, but the most important thing Route 66 gave to USA is hope for a better future.
This is the theme or inspiration of our journey.
And Route 66 suprized me again, an encounter with President Obama. Around 3:00 pm today on the Historic Route 66 on Santa Monica Blvd. in Beverly Hills, we passed the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel and a handful of protesters. The protesters were mainly people that I assume voted for Obama, because they were protesting California's marriage between a man and a woman amendment and also Obama's stance on releasing more torture photographs. As I saw all the police and secret service I thought even the ones on the left are upset with Obama.
As I drove past the Beverly Hills Hilton, I wondered if Obama knows he is spending the night on the Historic Route 66? My guess, probably not. You see President Obama has different view of America that gave us Route 66. Route 66 is based on the individual, hard work, small towns and faith, and Obama by his actions despises all of the above. My advice, stay in a Teepee and read Will Rogers.
-Lex Rex
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