In 1644 Rev. Samuel Rutherford published LEX, REX, The Law & the Prince to demonstrate that the natural law is above the King, Some 364 years later The Invisible Hand Blog is born after a historic election a Reagan Conservative born in the 60's molded in the Reagan years begins this blog to demonstrate the God given Unalienable rights given to every person by God. God bless the truth and let the truth be raised.
Arlen Specter switches party, so what? The R and the D are just labels. What the USA needs is conservatives, men & women of principles like our founders to serve we the people as our Representatives and Senators in Washington. Arlen Specter was already a D in his philosophy, but now he is a good old fashion TURNCOAT and a D. A turncoat is a person who shifts allegiance from one loyalty or ideal to another, betraying or deserting an original cause by switching to the opposing side or party. Jeffrey Lord in the American Spectator has great piece of why Arlen Specter bolted, and it is because of the movement and the Republican's move more to the right, the piece is called Reagan Defeats Specter.
Current world events and the economic meltdown are beginning to increasingly resemble the 2,500 year old bible prophecy made by Ezekiel in chapters 38-39. Ezekiel foresaw the rise of Russia (or Turkey, depending on the interpretation) in a coalition with Iran and other Middle Eastern countries (Sudan, Ethiopia and Libya).
The coalition is foretold to attack Israel from the north in a bid to destroy it during the earth's "last days," commonly known as the "war of Gog and Magog (Armageddon)."
Today the AP reports, that the Dean at the Russia's Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, Igor Panarin is predicting the collapse of USA, Barack Hussein Obama will order martial law (this will probably happen), the U.S. will split into six rogue states before 2011. Russia & China will become backbones of a New World Order. His predictions are in-line with the Anti-American story line of the Kremlin leadership.
"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy—a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.
The prediction from Panarin, a former spokesman for Russia's Federal Space Agency and reportedly an ex-KGB analyst, meshes with the negative view of the U.S. that has been flowing from the Kremlin in recent years, in particular from Vladimir Putin.
Putin, the former president who is now prime minister, has likened the United States to Nazi Germany's Third Reich and blames Washington for the global financial crisis that has pounded the Russian economy.
Panarin didn't give many specifics on what underlies his analysis, mostly citing newspapers, magazines and other open sources.
He also noted he had been predicting the demise of the world's wealthiest country for more than a decade now.
But he said the recent economic turmoil in the U.S. and other "social and cultural phenomena" led him to nail down a specific timeframe for "The End"—when the United States will break up into six autonomous regions and Alaska will revert to Russian control.
Panarin argued that Americans are in moral decline, saying their great psychological stress is evident from school shootings, the size of the prison population and the number of gay men.
Turning to economic woes, he cited the slide in major stock indexes, the decline in U.S. gross domestic product and Washington's bailout of banking giant Citigroup as evidence that American dominance of global markets has collapsed.
"I was there recently and things are far from good," he said. "What's happened is the collapse of the American dream."
Panarin insisted he didn't wish for a U.S. collapse, but he predicted Russia and China would emerge from the economic turmoil stronger and said the two nations should work together, even to create a new currency to replace the U.S. dollar.
Asked for comment on how the Foreign Ministry views Panarin's theories, a spokesman said all questions had to be submitted in writing and no answers were likely before Wednesday.
It wasn't clear how persuasive the 20-minute lecture was. One instructor asked Panarin whether his predictions more accurately describe Russia, which is undergoing its worst economic crisis in a decade as well as a demographic collapse that has led some scholars to predict the country's demise.
Panarin dismissed that idea: "The collapse of Russia will not occur."
But Alexei Malashenko, a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center who did not attend the lecture, sided with the skeptical instructor, saying Russia is the country that is on the verge of disintegration.
"I can't imagine at all how the United States could ever fall apart," Malashenko told the AP.
Whatever happens in the USA, just remember World Powers come and go just like Nebuchadnezzar's statue, and the USA is in decline not only morally but economically.
President Barack Obama’s popularity overwhelms that of Jesus Christ, God, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa, according to a new poll that shows Obama as the person Americans named as their hero. The Harris Poll, released on Thursday, was conducted on 2,634 U.S. adults between Jan. 12 to 19, 2009 – just ahead of President Obama’s inauguration.
American adults (age 18 and over) spontaneously named President Obama as the person they admire enough to call their hero in a Harris Poll. READ FULL STORY
“The fact that President Obama is mentioned more often than Jesus Christ should not be misinterpreted,” The Harris Poll clarified in its report. “No list was used and nobody was asked to choose between them.” HERE IS THE USA'S TOP TEN LIST + ONE:
Respondents gave multiple reasons for their choice of heroes, including: doing what’s right regardless of personal consequences (89 percent); not giving up until the goal is accomplished (83 percent); doing more than what other people expect of them (82 percent); overcoming adversity (81 percent); and staying level-headed in a crisis (81 percent).
Only 14 percent of Americans said they admire either their mother or father enough to call them their hero. In contrast, nearly half (49 percent) said a public figure is someone they admire and consider a personal hero.
In the EIGHTIES the Battle Cry was I want my MTV, and with Ronald Reagan, it was "THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SOLUTION." Now some 28 years later, the American people have just elected a President who believes all problems can be solved by the Government. If the February 17, 2009 the hard date to switch from analog broadcasts to digital is any indication, the Government is the problem. By the way in what part of the Constitution is the authority given for the U.S. Government to provide TV converter boxes? Oh yea the ever present Commerce Clause, as I speak this all the founders of these United States are rolling in their graves, but that is a whole other issue. This whole Digital TV transition mandated by the US government reinforces the idea that the government is the problem,some things are better served by the private sector, that is about everything under the sun except maybe, National Defense (Army), police, and the courts. Obama has a stake in this transition and he wants it delayed, which it probably will be if the House goes along with the Senate. You see President Obama will get the blame if the American People wake-up on February 17, 2009 and their TV does not work, that is probably enough to get George Bush like approval ratings, so Obama wants to delay until all are covered. Here, is an editorial that explains how Governmental Intervention creates more problems than it solves.
Switch from analog signals deemed too important to leave in private hands, with predictable results
If you watch TV for more than a few minutes a day, you have probably seen ads and public service announcements about the Feb. 17 changeover from analog to digital television broadcasting. During the other transition, several officials of the incoming Obama administration have suggested pushing back the transition date three months, and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller has submitted a bill to push back the date to June 12.
Why the fumbling and confusion? The short answer is that the government, beginning as far back as 1988, decided that the transition from analog to digital TV, unlike the transition from analog to digital sound recording, which took place during the 1980s (though some audiophiles still swear that analog was better), was too important to be left to the "anarchy" of the marketplace. So the Federal Communications Commission, under legislation passed in 1996, has handled this transition. Not surprisingly, it has been driven more by political than by technological or economic considerations.
The cellular telephone industry has made the transition from analog to digital. Did you read articles about the problems? Were you even aware of it? Probably not, because it was handled in the competitive marketplace with a minimum of fuss and feathers.
The advantages of digital TV broadcasting are essentially twofold. Digital broadcasting permits sharper resolution of the picture using a smaller portion of the broadcast spectrum and more efficient broadcasting of high-definition signals. Conversion will also free up the frequency spectrum to allow for more uses of the increasingly popular hand-held devices like BlackBerries, iPhones and the like.
There are other reasons for TV broadcast stations to go digital. Because it takes up less bandwidth, a station can use the same space in the spectrum for several signals, including interactive services. Digital signals react less to interference than analog signals; so, there is no "ghosting."
So there are solid market-related reasons for TV stations to switch. But instead of permitting them to do so at their own convenience or when they would alienate the fewest number of customers, the FCC has handled the conversion through mandates.
All television sets sold in the past four or five years are equipped to receive digital signals, and cable and satellite systems also use digital technology. But people with older analog sets – who tend to be older or lower-income people – or those who use their old analog TV sets in secondary household locations, will need a converter box. There's a government (i.e., taxpayer-funded) program that provides a $40 coupon to help pay for converter boxes. But John Podesta, co-chairman of President Obama's transition team, says the program has not kept pace with demand, and some 2 million people are now on a waiting list for coupons. Thus the pressure to delay the conversion date.
In addition, the characteristics of analog and digital signals are different. Most people will get better reception and more channels with converter boxes and digital signals. But a small percentage of people, mostly in rural areas (the FCC estimates that 11 percent of stations will have a signal that reaches 2 percent fewer viewers) will actually get fewer channels with digital transmission.
It only takes a small number of people negatively affected by a technological change managed and mandated by the government to get politicians posturing and introducing legislation.
Given that the conversion date has been delayed several times already, and it costs TV stations to send out both analog and digital signals, which they are doing now, the best bet, despite the fact that there will be a few problems, is probably not to delay the conversion date again. But the experience demonstrates that although technological changes always involve some friction, expense and inconvenience (what did you do with all your old vinyl records?), they generally are better handled in the private marketplace than through government management.
2009 a new year and a new President in the White House. The American People voted for Change and believe me Change is coming. Barack Hussein Obama is from a new generation and not only that he is of mixed race, his father was an African of Kenyan descent and his mother was white from Kansas. This new President not only is bringing a leftist leaning ideology, but he is bringing the HIP-HOP culture to the White House.
The one thing people noticed is Obama's use of the fist bump. It first appeared during the Presidential Primary and today Obama continues to use the gesture. It continues with Obama as the President, as reuters reports about a visit to the White House Press room by Obama:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House press room, crammed with journalists and short on desks, got a rare visit from a very newsworthy guest on Thursday -- President Barack Obama.
The president, who moved into the executive mansion after his inauguration on Tuesday, sauntered down to the reporters' quarters to say hello and comment on Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' first performance at the White House podium earlier in the day.
"I'm very proud of him," Obama said. "He got a fist bump from me."
The Chicago Tribune reports on this subject and changing culture within the White House with the heading:
Obama's ways cool to some, new to others
Younger generation gets gestures; older voters try to relate
The story is very interesting talking about the Hip-Hop culture and Obama's ease at crossing cultural lines.
"Black culture has become part of American culture for black and white youths, and culture is the foundation for the formation of identity," Byrd said. "In their eyes, Obama is a real cool guy, like Will Smith. He's like the hip black friend you have, so it was never a stretch for them to visualize him as president."
For some older Americans, Obama's ease and embrace of black culture might take some getting used to. After all, it's safe to say that no president in history could have moved as smoothly as Obama did on Inauguration Day between contrasting environments. Hours after taking the oath of office in a solemn ceremony on the steps of the Capitol, the president was busting a move at the Youth Ball and slow dancing as Beyonce sang at the Neighborhood Ball. In between, he managed to perfect the traditional presidential waltz with the first lady at more stately affairs such as the Commander in Chief Ball.
His ease on the dance floor prompted an observation from actorJamie Foxx. "You could tell that's a black president by the way he was moving!" Foxx cracked to the media.
There is no doubt, observers said, that the president—the son of a white woman from Kansas and black man from Kenya—is at ease with the vernacular and cultural mannerisms commonly associated with African-Americans. Obama, a Harvard-educated lawyer, is as comfortable conversing with hip-hop artists as addressing the world as the American president.
Recently during a visit to Ben's Chili Bowl in Washington, Obama paid his bill and answered "We straight" when the waitress asked if he wanted change back. And in introducing First Lady Michelle Obama at several balls, he referred to her as "the one who brung me."
They say that our Political leaders are a reflection of our culture and I believe this to be true. Obama is a reflection of the younger generation, because if you have not been to a mall or department store lately you can see how Black culture has become apart of the American Fabric. In fact the highest paid Sports stars and entertainers are all black: Tiger Woods, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey. Whether you like it or not, in the next four years the White House will change both culturally and ideologically.
The 44th President Doing the Bump, Change is Coming.
Here, is the only place for the Fist Bump:
Culturally speaking, the FIST BUMP has no place in Presidential Politics, the FIST BUMP is great for sports or a greeting at a sports bar or at a pick-up game, but not great for greeting the Prime Minister of the UK, but for now the Obama Bump has replaced the HI-5.
I am sitting here overlooking the crystal blue water of the Red Sea, in the background are the mountains of Saudi Arabia. I love the dessert and I especially love the people who make their home the dessert. The Bedouin live a simple life and I can see why God called one of them to make a great nation. You see Abraham was a dessert person a Bedouin and he lived his life just like they continue to this day. I have been blessed to live and to come in contact with them for the past four days here in the Sinai. One of the things I have learned is that they have a deep respect for the land that God has made and provided for them.
In the USA the airwaves are bombarded with Go Green, green, green, and more go green. The environmentalist in the USA go green in an artificial way, they seek solutions that make them feel good rather than actually benefitting God's creation. I am not a wacko environmentalist, but I believe God made this earth and He wants us to good stewards of His Creation. That being said, the Bedouin are the good stewards. In the USA we would say they leave small footprints.
Take for example the air quality in the Sinai is perfect no smog like Cairo. Most Bedouin do not own cars and most do not live in what we consider a house. But more importantly they leave the dessert as they find it. Take for example my son he loves to throw rocks into the canyons or wherever, but a Bedouin will not do this, in fact he will only move rocks when it serves a purpose or is necessary. Also when the Bedouin need firewood they will never cut down a living tree, they only use the wood from a tree that has fallen by the hand of God. The Bedouin try to leave the dessert as God made it, and they use only what is necessary to maintain their way of life.
If Obama is serious about the environment he should consider inviting the Bedouin to join his environmental policy team. The Bedouin foundation toward the environment is that God created all things, as I walked in the wadi canyons of the colored canyon with the Bedouin in the Sinai we would both remark that this was cut by the finger of God. You see if you have the right foundation then going green will work if you follow the lead of the Bedouin, the true green environentalists.
In the heart of the Sinai, travelling with Bedouin from the Taranean Tribe in the Wadi El Abyad, the White Valley by the Oasis Bir Zayed. The Oasis Bir Zayed is thought to be the possible site of Moses striking the Rock Numbers 20:1-13.
The Bedouin invited our group to see the spring the ein which in Arabic means the water that comes from the rock or mountain. So, standing here touching the water from the spring that maybe the place Moses disobeyed God by striking the rock as the Hebrews in the White Valley grumbled for water. I was honored to be one of the first outsiders to enjoy their hospitality.
After climbing above the spring, our party including Zayed our Bedouin Jeep driver, Muhammed our guide, my son, Seth and myself headed to shaded date palm tree to make a fire as Abraham, Moses, and Bedouin do as to this day as centuries before. The Bedouin life is simple and very hospitable people who enjoy drinking tea by the fire.
We started with us four but within thirty minutes other Bedouin joined us for tea. The group finally totaled nine and the laughter and discussion in Arabic ignored by wildfire. I do not speak Arabic but every once in a while I would a hear a word I knew or Muhammed would explain the conversation, but sometimes I just knew by the laughter and expressions by their faces.
Take for instance the time Zayed was talking to Muhammed, and Muhammed exclaimed back with a remark by Zayed, and I interpreted Zayed's remark as he was going to leave Muhammed in the dessert. Zayed just smiled.
Most of the discussion centered on the difference between Bedouin life in the Sinai and Cairo life. One of the Bedouin pointed to the clear sky and the moon displayed during this afternoon and stated "in Cairo you could not see because of the smog but here we have clean air.". You know he was right.
Then I could make put the words Hummer, Jeep, GMC, and General Motors.
Then Muhammed told me they were talking about the US's economy and how it is hurting. The Bedouin fear Jeep will no longer be made. So here in the heart of the Sinai descendants from Abraham are discussing the future outlook of USA automobiles. If you are not aware automobiles in Egypt are very expensive and compound that fact by the average salary of an Egyptian is 300-500 Egyptian Pounds pet month, so that is less than $100 per month. For a basic 1980's used car an Egyptian is looking at paying around 10,000 Egyptian Pounds that is a lot of money for the average Eguptian not to mention the Bedouin.
I explained to the group, yes Chrysler/Jeep have shut all their plants down for the month of January, but Jeeps will always be made, there is too much demand for that vehicle and the same goes for GMC, trucks etc.
Now there maybe only two USA automakers Ford and GM, but Chrysler/ Jeep will be taken over by GM. Even if the USA automakers shrink into two companies Jeeps will always be made, because there is an ongoing demand for that type a vehicle, even in the Sinai Bedouin need Jeep, because if it was not for the Taranean Tribe's permission and a Jeep from the 80's, I would have not been able to touch the ein that Moses struck with his staff in anger.
Landed in Cairo, Egypt and guess who was there to greet my son and I, Muhammed. He had trouble remembering my name and my son, but no problem for us, I told him that if I yelled his name in a crowded bazaar, many heads would raise.
As he laughed I was searching Drudge and saw the latest headlines where Iran is calling for all Muslims to stand, unite, and fight for the Palestinians.
The Muslims growth are not just in the Arab States of the Middle-East, but reach into Western Europe. The #1 baby boy name in Amsterdam is Muhammed, not only that, in the UK Brits are nervious about the migration of Muslims into their country. Shariah Law is a possibility and the #4 baby boy name given last year in London was Muhammed.
Even in the USA there is a raising tide, I asked our tour guide, "what religion was Barack Hussein Obama," Muhammed's reply, "MUSLIM."
WASHINGTON, DC (JCCIC)--Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, today announced the program for the 56th Presidential Inauguration, which will take place on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2009.
"I am delighted to announce this superb line-up of participants in the 2009 inaugural ceremonies," said Senator Feinstein. "The inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama will be an event of historic proportion. It is appropriate that the program will include some of the world's most gifted artists from a wide range of backgrounds and genres."
The announcement continued that Dr. Rick Warren will lead the Invocation at President Obama's inauguration. The program announcement had this to say about Pastor Warren:
Dr. Rick Warren founded Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, in 1980 with one family. Today, it is an evangelical congregation averaging 22,000 weekly attendees, a 120-acre campus, and has more than 300 community ministries to groups such as prisoners, CEOs, addicts, single parents, and those with HIV/AIDS. He also leads the Purpose Driven Network of churches, a global coalition of congregations in 162 countries. TIME magazine named him one of "15 World Leaders Who Mattered Most in 2004," and in 2005 one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World."
Dr. Rick Warren is becoming the Billy Graham of this generation within the emerging church. As you recall, Pastor Warren hosted both presidential candidates at his church during the presidential election, now he has been invited to give a prayer to Our Heavenly Father, asking God to give wisdom, aid, protection, and guidance to the 44th President Barack Hussein Obama.
Dr. Rick Warren, just maybe the next Spiritual Ear to the U.S. Presidents, this generation's Billy Graham. Liberals are not happy about this decision by Barack Obama and one group in particular is mad as hell.
Gays are furious over this decision, in fact,
Joe Solomnese, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, has sent a blistering letter to President-elect Obama, accusing him of delivering a "genuine blow" to the gay community in choosing Rev. Rick Warren to give the formal invocation at next month's inauguration.
Dear President-elect Obama,
Let me get right to the point. Your invitation to Reverend Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is a genuine blow to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, & Transexual) Americans. Our loss in California over the passage of Proposition 8 which stripped loving, committed same-sex couples of their given legal right to marry is the greatest loss our community has faced in 40 years. And by inviting Rick Warren to your inauguration, you have tarnished the view that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans have a place at your table.
Rick Warren has not sat on the sidelines in the fight for basic equality and fairness. In fact, Rev. Warren spoke out vocally in support of Prop 8 in California saying, "there is no need to change the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease 2 percent of our population ... This is not a political issue -- it is a moral issue that God has spoken clearly about." Furthermore, he continues to misrepresent marriage equality as silencing his religious views. This was a lie during the battle over Proposition 8, and it's a lie today.
Rev. Warren cannot name a single theological issue that he and vehemently, anti-gay theologian James Dobson disagree on. Rev. Warren is not a moderate pastor who is trying to bring all sides together. Instead, Rev. Warren has often played the role of general in the cultural war waged against LGBT Americans, many of whom also share a strong tradition of religion and faith.
We have been moved by your calls to religious leaders to own up to the homophobia and racism that has stood in the way of combating HIV and AIDS in this country. And that you have publicly called on religious leaders to open their hearts to their LGBT family members, neighbors and friends.
But in this case, we feel a deep level of disrespect when one of architects and promoters of an anti-gay agenda is given the prominence and the pulpit of your historic nomination. Only when Rev. Warren and others support basic legislative protections for LGBT Americans can we believe their claim that they are not four-square against our rights and dignity. In that light, we urge you to reconsider this announcement.
Joe Solmonese President Human Rights Campaign
Mr. Obama is quickly learning you cannot please all of the people all of the time. Be careful, the Bible has a warning about a woman's scorn, what about Gay scorn?, if the display of outrage in California over Prop 8 is any indication, Mr. Obama, just watch your back.
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