$1 Trillion in NEW TAXES
Frustration has hit an all time high at the World Headquarters of the INVISIBLE HAND. I am a man of Faith, and I know that God places leaders into power that He wills, but that does not stop myself, Lex Rex, the reporter for the Invisible Hand from becoming frustrated and blurting out things like, "I thought I would never see this in my lifetime." There is so much going on . . . I did not even know what to write about, so I am venting and buying ammo.
Unconstitutional Bill in the Senate to give voting rights and Representative to the District of Columbia (the Constitution is very specific and the founders were also, only STATES have Sovereignty and that Right).
An Obama assault on guns, specifically assault guns, it is time to stock-up my dear and do not forget the ammo.
Bailouts for Responsible Homeowners, if you are in foreclosure YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE, a responsible homeowner prepares for the future and lives within their means.
Now a budget that includes a nearly $2 Trillion Dollar deficit. Just so you know, George Bush's first OVERALL Budget TOTAL in 2001, was less than the $2 Trillion Deficit. Here how it looks on a graph chart:
This is OBAMA CHANGE, soon and very soon the street corners of Kansas City will look different, instead of homeless holding signs for food, they will be holding signs that state, "HELP!!! COMMUNISTS TOOK ALL MY MONEY." Obama is redirecting enormous streams of deficit spending toward programs like health care, education and energy, and paying for some of it through taxes on the rich, pollution surcharges, and cuts in such inviolable programs as farm subsidies, the $3.55 trillion spending plan Mr. Obama's undertaking signals a radical change of course that Congress will eventually endorse and the USA will be stuck holding the bag, unless we start standing for Liberty and the Principles found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Everyday further into the Obama Presidency, the USA is sinking further, and further into the PRISON of a NATIONAL STATE, where the individual no longer matters, but the collective good exceeds all liberty. If we as Americans do not stop this RADICAL ADVANCE in WASHINGTON, by the Executive & Legislative Branch, one day soon, very soon, you are going to wake-up and ask this question. "What happen to my liberty, my unalienable rights, & my country I loved?
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