In 1644 Rev. Samuel Rutherford published LEX, REX, The Law & the Prince to demonstrate that the natural law is above the King, Some 364 years later The Invisible Hand Blog is born after a historic election a Reagan Conservative born in the 60's molded in the Reagan years begins this blog to demonstrate the God given Unalienable rights given to every person by God. God bless the truth and let the truth be raised.
Honolulu, HI, December 24, 2008 via a secure phone line, Barack Hussein Obama extends his Christmas greeting via one man's humble blog, "THE INVISIBLE HAND . . ."
December 25, 2008
As I was wrapping my last Christmas gift this cold morning in Kansas, my cell phone rang. I answered and the person on the other line said, "this is uh (pause) Barack Obama," "I answered, yea and I am Santa Claus" (well there is some truth to that). "No, pause, uh, uh, I am the President-elect, uh Barack Obama."
I did not want to hang-up on the poor fellow, so I asked him a question, "If you are Barack where were you born?' "Well, uh, uh, it's a long story but, uh, uh, Kenya, no I mean Hawaii." Ok, that is a good answer, so I asked another question, "your mom was from Kansas and when she lived in Hawaii, she would always get a lunch plate special of this type of meat?" Only the true Barack would know this answer. "That uh, uh, is easy, (pause), uh, spam with a little bacon." "I am enjoying some spam right uh, uh now."
At that point, I knew, I was talking to thee one and only 2008 Time Man of the year, Mr. Obama sixpack, President-elect, Joe Cool, and Barack Hussein Obama. I asked Barack, why are you calling me? "Well, uh, uh, I loved your Obama Smokes Story, it was spot on, and then the Hallelujah Christmas #1 & #2 the song that saved 2008 article, blew me uh, uh, away." "I love that song, (pause) uhm, I prefer Alexandra Burke's uh, uh, version." "
Thanks for the complement Mr. Obama, what can I do for you? I never thought those words would come out of my mouth." Mr. Barack, answered, "I want you to be my voice, uh, uh, and tell everyone, I am coming, and wish them a Happy Holidays and a very uh, uh Merry Christmas." "As, we say in Hawaii Mele Kalikimaka." I told the President-elect , that "I would be honored."
The Invisible Hand . . . relays this important message from Barack Hussein Obama, "I am coming, MERRY CHRISTMAS & MELE KALIKIMAKA." Here by special request, by Joe Cool Times Man of the Year, the Christmas #1 from 1978, BONEY M MARY'S BOY CHILD/OH MY LORD:
Two years ago I bought a Jeep Commander and it came with Sirius Satellite Radio. One of my favorite Radio Stations on Sirius is BBC Radio One, and every year I look forward to UK Chart Show on the Sunday before Christmas (2008 December 21, 2008). That is where they announce that years Christmas #1, some of you that are movie fans may remember a British Romantic Comedy "Love Actually" with Hugh Grant. In that movie one of the underlying stories was a parody of an old rocker trying to once again obtain the coveted title of the Christmas #1. At that time, I did not realize this has been going on in the UK since 1952, until I became an avid fan of BBC Radio 1.
This year God brought us a special gift a song that saves 2008, for the first time in the history of the Christmas number one and UK Singles Chart show, 2008 Christmas #1 and #2 are the same song, Hallelulah.
Hallelujah, is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְלוּיָהּ meaning "praise (הַלְּלוּ) Yah (יָהּ), "Praise God" is the Christmas #1 and the Christmas #2. The song was composed by Leonard Cohen, and on December 21, 2008 Hallelujah became the first song in 51 years to occupy the first and second positions on the UK Singles Chart. The Number one was sung by the 2008 X Factor Winner (UK's version of American Idol) Alexandra Burke, Here is the video of her singing Hallelujah:
The number 2 spot was held by Jeff Buckley, since the announcement of the song as the official 'Winner's Song' of The X Factor 2008, there has been a strong upsurge in interest in previous versions of the song, especially that by Jeff Buckley.
A much talked about Facebook campaign with the aim of getting the Buckley version rather than that by Burke to UK Christmas number 1 gained over 130,000 members.However, Burke's did reach number one, keeping in line with X Factor's monopoly of the UK Christmas Number 1 over the last few years, with Buckley's version reaching number 2 and Cohen's original charting at number 36.
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