Everyone preparing for the next presidential election, and that includes you Sarah, get ready for this "gotcha" question, "So can you explain in your own terms the OBAMA DOCTRINE?" Well, Mr. Gibson, the Obama doctrine is the USA's foreign policy toward rogue nations and it goes like this:
Step One: Extend a open hand;
Step Two: Do an Interview on the station with ties to that rogue nation and explain why America is wrong;
Step Three: Write a letter filled with hope, love and a heartfelt apology to that Nation's leader; READ FULL STORY
Step Four: Sit Down and have a Coke with the leader of that rogue nation;
Step Five: Sing the Coke Song;
Finally, Step Six: World Peace!!!
You got that you potential Presidential Nominees, There is now no WAR ON TERROR, only the OBAMA DOCTRINE, learn it, live it, & love it.